If you've always wondered how to find your "real voice," or you're not happy with your current vocal tone because it sounds or feels forced, artificial, or unnatural, this voice lesson is for you!
Freeing your true voice is really about finding technique that serves you rather than holding you back, which we'll talk about today! Learn to release tension and work with practice strategies and vocal techniques that will help you discover your unique sound as a singer.
Remember, training your voice takes time! It's a marathon, not a sprint ;) I hope this lesson will encourage you to keep working towards building a singing voice you love. Happy singing!
Want a free vocal workout track so you can practice on the go? Grab yours here: https://truesongvoice.podia.com/vocal-workout-sample-exercise-track
00:00 Intro How to Find Your True Voice
00:35 Vibrato
03:00 Vocal Projection
04:40 Strengthen Your Vocals
05:18 Mimic Your Speaking Voice
06:35 Avoid Overexertion
08:57 Build Vocal Stamina
09:29 Manage Airflow
10:49 Voice and Breath Move Together
11:45 Extend Vocal Range
15:04 Conclusion