This video shows how to fit architrave around doors with uneven walls #architrave #doors #wall If you'd like to support the channel please like and subscribe. The equipment used in the video is listed below with links.
*Disclaimer* These videos are presented as information videos, they are not instructional videos, and are not intended to instruct you or others to undertake specific procedures. As such, myself, my channel or any persons featured on the channel are not held responsible for any damage, loss, injury, or death as a result of you watching these videos and following specific actions. We are all responsible for ourselves, our decisions and any actions we take.
Equipment used in the video is listed below:
1. Pine Strip Wood Length 2400mm, Width 25mm, Thickness between 6-20mm available from most DIY stores
2. Architrave from Skirting King (this link is not sponsored nor do I receive any commission – I recommend on the basis of good service and quality) @skirtingking
3. Sander – DeWalt Multitool DCS355P2 18v XR Brushless Oscillating Multi Tool + 35 Accessory 2X 5.0AH - cheaper variants are also available
4. Planer - ERBAUER EHP1050 4MM ELECTRIC PLANER 220-240V from Screwfix or alternative equivalent Bosh corded electric planer via link
5. Mitre saw - DeWalt DWS774-GB 216-mm 230V Slide Mitre Saw with XPS
6. Lost Head Nails diameter diameter 1.2 x 30mm or 1.6 x length 30mm or
7. Draper 35480 Cupped Nail Punch Set
8. Adhesive - Everbuild Multi Stick | Superior High Strength Grab Adhesive, Based on Hybrid Polymer for Bonding Difficult Materials - White - 350 ml
9. Sealant Gun ProDec MG11ES Extra Strong Skeleton Caulking Gun, Sealants, Silicones, Adhesives 400 and 310ml
10. Tape Measure Stanley Tylon 8m/25mm Wide Compact Case with Cushioned Grip Metric and Imperial System 1-30-656
11. Silverline Hardwood Cross Pein Pin Hammer 4 oz (113g)
12. Masking tape 50m
13. Ear Plugs - De Walt EU, Dewalt, DPG12BG50
14. FFP3 Facemask available from any local DIY store or this link
15. Grade F Safety Glasses available from any local DIY store or this link
16. Safety Gloves Tornado
*Disclaimer: The equipment list above contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and purchase a product, I may receive a small commission. This doesn’t cost you - the viewer - anything. I assure that only the tried-and-tested equipment that I regularly use, and trust are featured on the list. I refuse to list or endorse poor quality equipment, materials, and products that fail to meet my expectations. The links also aim to offer additional information about equipment and products that you might find useful.