This is a video showing you one way to eliminate a dodgy crackle or buzzing from the cartage on a turntable.
This should solve a problem that a lot of people seem to be having, including me.
this look quite brutal but Im only using slight pressure when polishing the contacts, also I recommend firmly holding the tone arm in place while you do this and never apply to much pressure, you could damage the tone-arm. I didnt do this in the video because my arm would have blocked the view of the camera.
The type of polish to use is just general purpose metal polish, but not spry polishes (because most are silicone based and leave behind a horrible sticky residue). In the video I mentioned not to use spray polishes like brasso, I didnt mean dont use brasso just dont use brasso spry polish.
When polishing the contacts its a good idea to hold the tone-arm still with your other hand so you dont damage it (I didnt do this in the video just so it didnt obstruct the view but you should)
If you do not have any rubbing alcohol you can use CD cleaner because its about 70% alcohol.
When using alcohol to clean the contacts dont literally use alcohol that you drink like vodka or whisky, yes it is alcohol but its got sugar, syrup and other stuff in it thats not going to be very good for the contacts or your cartage.
Once you have cleaned the contacts with alcohol and need to polish make sure all of the alcohol has evaporated before using the polish, the alcohol reacts with some polishes and you end up with a horrible foamy mess.