This video will show you the full troubleshooting process when your Dell Laptop Computer is stuck in a 'No Boot Device', 'No Boot Device Found', or 'No Boot Device Installed' error during startup and will not successfully turn on. There are a variety of reasons this issue may be happening. These steps will help you rule things out and identify the cause of the issue. Please remember to Like, Share, and Sub if this video was helpful :)
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Q: The diagnostic scan said my HDD is good but none of the steps worked and the new install fails.
A: If the diagnostic test said your HDD is good but the new install wont complete, perhaps the HDD is bad after all :( I would then replace the HDD and install to the new one. You can see examples of replacement and upgrade HDDs and SSDs here:
Q: The diagnostic test said 'NA' or that my HDD was not installed.
A: If the test cannot be run due to the HDD not being seen, it could be loose. Try 'reseating' it as seen in the video and run the scan again. If the scan comes back the same, I would then try replacing the HDD. You can see examples of replacement and upgrade HDDs and SSDs here: