I will explain how to make a small paper bag with origami as clearly as possible.
If you make it at 15cm, it is the size that can hold small sweets and accessories.
You can also make it at a larger size.
It is perfect for putting small gifts in and sending them, so
try making a cute mini paper bag with paper of your favorite pattern.
I have introduced many other practical origami works.
I have attached links to the playlist and related videos below, so please check them out.
◇Things to use
15cm x 15cm = 1 sheet
7.5cm x 7.5cm = 1 sheet
◇Finished size
For 15cm x 15cm
Length x width x height = about 7cm x about 6cm x about 2cm
◇Time required
20 to 30 minutes
BGM "Happy Origami" music provided by Hikari Surprise Co., Ltd.
[Creative Origami] ~ Tatsukuri Original ~
This work is an original work of Tatsukuri Origami.
Please do not repost or reuse the instructions on YouTube or blogs without permission.
The same goes for reusing them with slight changes.
Also, please do not sell them on auction sites.
There is no problem with enjoying them personally, posting images of the finished work, or embedding videos on blogs, so please let us know if you are unsure.
If we find unauthorized reposting or reuse on YouTube, we will submit a deletion request to YouTube.
Please note that in the worst case scenario, your account may be suspended.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Tatsukuri's Origami Book
Available at your local bookstore or online.
"12 Months of Origami" on sale now
Introduction video
"Cute Animal Origami" on sale now
Introduction video
https://www.amazon.co .jp/dp/483478388X/
"Girls Origami" now on sale
Introduction video
Amazon https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4074514125/
Rakuten https://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/17337449/?l-id=search-c-item-text-06
I also have an Instagram account, so please post your creations.
Related videos
How to fold a gift bag https://youtu.be/7ZKjg8oAHic
One sheet box with a lid https://youtu.be/rUFNSrQk1mA
How to fold a simple tetra pack (triangular box) https://youtu.be/c2tPIrLI5Fs
How to fold an envelope https://youtu.be/WVpbN1XG0T0
I will explain how to make a small paper bag with origami as clearly as possible.
If you make it at 15cm, it is the size that can hold small sweets and accessories.
You can also make it at a larger size.
It is perfect for putting small gifts in and sending them, so
try making a cute mini paper bag with paper of your favorite pattern.
I have introduced many other practical origami works. I have attached links to the playlist and related videos below, so please check them out. ◇Things to use Origami 15cm x 15cm = 1 sheet 7.5cm x 7.5cm = 1 sheet Glue Scissors ◇Finished size For 15cm x 15cm Length x width x height = approx. 7cm x approx. 6cm x approx. 2cm ◇Time required 20 to 30 minutes BGM "Happy Origami" music provided by Hikari Surprise Co., Ltd. [Creative origami] -Tatsukuri original- ☆Please☆ This work is an original work by Tatsukuri no Origami. Please do not reprint or divert the recipe to YouTube or blogs without permission. The same is true for slightly changing and repurposing it. Also, please do not sell on auction sites. There is no problem with personal Please enjoy, post images of finished works, embed videos on blogs, etc., so please let us know if you are not sure.
If you find it reproduced or diverted on YouTube without permission, we will submit a deletion request to YouTube.
In the worst case, your account may be suspended.
Thank you.