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Hope you guys enjoyed this video. It's challenging to master the forehand loop against underspin. Especially when you consider just how varied your opponent can make the spin, depth, height, speed and placement. Hopefully this video will make learning the technique easier for you.
For those of you in North America. Check out Jin's article on some great beginner equipment you can purchase today: https://www.worldtop100tabletennis.com/blog/the-3-best-beginner-table-tennis-blades-and-rubbers
Just beginning in table tennis and want a structured plan to improve? Check out Jin's written series on how to go from beginner to intermediate player for guidance.
If you are having trouble continually looping the ball, check out Jin's article about "Why People Struggle to Loop the Ball Continuously" for possible solutions. https://www.worldtop100tabletennis.com/blog/why-do-people-struggle-to-loop-the-ball-continuously-in-table-tennis-heres-whats-holding-you-back