Get a complete step by step guide of how to gesso a piece of canvas for oil painting in this gesso painting tutorial. Watch as I demonstrate how to trim your canvas and mount the canvas to a board - including tips for how to best get a smooth surface before applying your gesso to the canvas.
To read more about this how to gesso canvas for oil painting tutorial in written form (with process image steps), visit:
Once the canvas is mounted and wrinkle free, follow the process as I apply multiple layers of gesso in order to prepare a wonderfully smooth surface for painting on our canvas!
Why is it important to gesso canvas for oil painting? It creates a smooth layer in order to apply oil paint too and it creates a barrier between the oils and the canvas fabric. Which protects the canvas from deteriorating and makes for a long lasting archival surface.
The materials I used in this gesso oil painting tutorial:
Utrecht Professional Gesso:
Spakel (plastic putty knife):
Aluminum pie pan:
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