A very helpful video demonstrating the proper technique for how to give a cat a back massage. This is an important skill for every senior cat attendant to develop. It may not be easy to give a cat a back massage. It may not even be possible with every cat. But when you can give a cat a back massage, the results are more than worth the effort!
PETSAFE litter box: https://promo.petsafe.net/scoopfree-ppc-poocrastination-helpfulvancouvervet/
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SquishThatCat: https://youtu.be/OAGfx7eB3gA
Is it ok to carry a cat like a baby?: https://youtu.be/-wRdQmYXc8M
FIC or 'why does my cat pee inappropriately': https://youtu.be/fmHOL3W3fKI
How to trim a cat's nails: https://youtu.be/o1XisXBVe8g
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