How to Grow Broad Beans | செடி அவரை மற்றும் கொடி அவரை வளர்ப்பு | Hyacinth beans |
Whenever you're planting your beans, plant them in well-tilled soil that's been properly fertilized with the fertilizer of your choice. Since broad beans are nitrogen-producers, you don't necessarily need to fertilize. If you do, use a low-nitrogen fertilizer.
Pick a spot with good sun, away from any plants in the onion family, tilling the ground in the area you're planting several inches deep and working in compost.
Broad beans can grow in any kind of soil, as legumes are self-fertilizers. To help them convert nitrogen, however, it's a good idea to use Rhizobia bacteria to promote growth and help the roots fix nitrogen.
Aphids love bean plants and will congregate usually at the top of the plants, near new shoots and buds. Some gardeners like to use insecticidal spray to keep aphids off the plants, but an easier method involves cutting the tops off the plants where the aphids congregate as you see them. If you're a diligent gardener, you should be able to pinch them off before they do much damage.
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Checkout my earlier videos in below links:
How to Grow Beans Plant in Tamil | பீன்ஸ் செடி வளர்ப்பது எப்படி |
How to Grow Beetroot at Home in Tamil | வீட்டுத் தோட்டத்தில் பீட்ரூட் வளர்ப்பது எப்படி |
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