Fava Beans aka Broad Beans are a very easy crop to grow. Fava plants grow best in cool temperatures ranging from 40° F - 75° F and can survive temperatures down to 10° F. In USDA zones 7b and up fava plants can be planted in the Fall and in the Spring. In colder climates, USDA zones 7a and lower you can plant favas in the Spring as soon as the ground thaws and is workable. Find your hardiness zone here: http://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/PHZMWeb/. Before planting make sure to inoculate your fava seeds using a rhizobium bacteria: https://amzn.to/2ThXKES. Plant your seeds in full sun to part shade about an inch deep and about a foot apart. You can plant your seed more densely and thin later as well. Favas take 75-95 days to reach full maturity. You can start seeds indoors about a month in advance to get a jump start on the growing season.
Check out my other video on growing favas here:
Growing Fava Beans | Amazing Ancient Food Crop & Soil Builder!: https://youtu.be/RxGT3FRe0wA
Free Garden Fertilizer | Nitrogen Nodules On Fava Bean Roots: https://youtu.be/si3O-dRa2uc
Harvesting Dried Fava Beans For Seed Stock & Culinary: https://youtu.be/Nnxu6LVW-kI
Fresh Fava Bean Chili Recipe | Yum!: https://youtu.be/vULgLHxN7XY