I visited full-time craftsman and illustrator Nick McMillen at his workshop in rural Hampshire (UK) where we filmed a three-part series on Cedar bark basketry and weaving
Secure your copy of Nicks Cedar bark book - https://www.mcmillenart.co.uk/books/p/cedar-bark-craft-guide-e-book
Nicks Website - https://mcmillenart.co.uk
Nicks Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mcmillenart
Click the links below to watch the other videos in this three-part series:
1. How To Harvest Cedar Bark For Weaving - ** THIS VIDEO YOU ARE WATCHING **
2. How To Process Cedar Bark For Weaving - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl9vOwr0TtM&
3. How To Weave A Cedar Bark Basket - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6fZDUs97eE
Below is a timestamp of all the sections in this video:
(Click on the time on the left to go straight to that section)
00:00:00 - Start
00:00:04 - Introduction
00:02:58 - Type of Cedar
00:04:20 - Sourcing a Cedar tree
00:06:00 - Best time of year to harvest
00:07:52 - Optimal diameter of Cedar tree
00:08:56 - 3 states of tree when harvesting
00:11:59 - Harvesting bark from toothpick tree
00:16:20 - Harvesting bark from standing tree
00:20:27 - Harvesting bark from felled tree
00:25:21 - Processing the bark
00:29:16 - Drying the bark
00:31:08 - Conclusion
00:32:52 - Outro
As always I appreciate you watching
Take care
#Basket #Cedar #Bark