How to harvest, condition, and store tulips. Today I'm sharing four different ways to harvest tulips based on how the tulips will be used and sold. If you would like your tulips to come back next year, cut above 2-3 leaves and let the foliage die back naturally to replenish the bulb for next year. For the longest stem length pull up the entire plant. To harvest tulips for selling pull the entire tulip when you can see what color the tulip will be. For doubles and parrots harvest when fully colored. If using the cut tulips within five days remove the bulb, place into water, and put into your cooler set at 35 F. Tulips can be stored dry for many weeks. For dry storage harvest with the bulb attach and wrap the tulips in paper like a burrito. Place dry into your cooler at 35 F. When you want to rehydrate the tulips remove the bulb and place into water for 2 hours. The tulips will turn from limp noodles into strong stems once again.