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The concept of imbalances can be used to understand a position or any kind of situation in chess simply through understanding the various imbalances that exist in a chess game. Understanding the imbalances can help you to make the right decisions and to come up with a good plan. In this video, you will learn the different static imbalances and how to make us of them in order to come up with a plan.
What are imbalances in chess?
An imbalance is anything that can be considered as a difference between your position and your opponent's position. For example there is the material imbalance: If one side has a material advantage, this could be considered a very serious material imbalance. Other imbalances contain king safety, space, pawn structures and piece activity. Understanding the imbalances can help you to make the right decisions and to come up with a good plan.
Static Imbalances (Static Imbalances = unlikely to change):
- Material advantage
- Pawn structure (weaknesses)
- Controlling more space
- Controlling an important file or diagonal.
Material Advantage - What should you do when you have a material advantage?:
- Simplification: You should try to simplify the position by trading pieces.
- Restricting your opponent’s counterplay.
Bishop vs Knight Imbalance:
The importance of controlling more space helps to understand the bishop vs knight imbalance. The side with two Bishops (the bishop pair) should always try to open up the position. The side with the knight should try to keep the position closed and look for maneuvers to put the knights on strong squares.
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