Bra I went to Street Customs in Umkomaas and they installed a top sound system.
1 x 12 Inch DVC Sub
4 x Mids
4 x Tweeters
1 x Pre Amp
1 x Targa Deck
2 x Mother Sized Amps
This thing is cracking bra. Now watch this video as I take you through a step by step process on how to install car sound. I know everything, even though I did nothing
Check out Street Customs Umkomaas on Facebook and other socials. You can contact them via +27399794996 |+27827869022
or email
I Started travelling again. This time, right in South Africa, Durban. Im going out and meeting with my fans at their homes, for parties, braais, weddings etc. So if you have an event, please invite me and hopefully I can make it to you. I will be vlogging my life so just know im coming to talk nonsense. Luka
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#southafrica #travel #carsounds