A step-by-step tutorial on the fisherman's rib knitting stitch pattern, how to decrease, the best selvage, cast-on, bind-off options, etc.
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The fisherman's rib stitch is a lovely and quite voluminous knitting stitch pattern that's remarkably easy to knit and will be perfect for scarf and other warm winter wear. You knit it by knitting every second stitch into the row below. As a result, the fabric will be twice as thick but you will also need twice as much yarn for the fisherman'S rib stitch.
In this tutorial, I will show you altogether 4 different ways to knit the exact same pattern, beautiful cast-on alternatives, a lovely selvage stitch, and the bind-off. I will also talk about how to decrease the Fisherman's rib stitch with left- and right-leaning options. At the very end of this video, I will also show you how to fix mistakes and how to knit the two-colored fisherman's rib stitch. Enjoy!
0:00 Introduction to the fisherman's rib
0:50 How to knit the fisherman's rib stitch
6:50 The fisherman's rib stitch purlwise
10:11 Fisherman's rib stitch vs brioche - where is the difference?
15:28 Brioche style purlwise
19:10 An invisible cast-on
22:07 A neat selvage
25:34 How to decrease the fisherman's rib stitch
29:07 How to fix mistakes in fisherman's rib stitch
32:19 The best bind-offs
36:24 How to knit the two-colored fisherman's rib stitch
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