Hello Everyone,
In today's video, I have tried to clear your doubt on how one can start learning English. Everyone wants to learn English but not everyone knows how and from where they can begin to learn English. So, in this video, you will know basic things that you have to understand to start learning English. If you like the video, please don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe.
To start learning English, these are the things that you need to know first:
To start learning English first you need to know the concept of nouns. Nouns are used in almost every sentence in English.
Pronouns are used instead of nouns. Therefore, you also need to know the concept of pronouns to start learning English.
Verbs and auxiliary verbs
Verbs are widely used in every sentence in English. If you know what the verb is then it will be easy for you to understand and make sentences. That's why verbs can help you to start learning English.
Tense is one of the most important concepts in English. Tense helps us to talk, write and make sentences in English. That's why to begin learning English, tense is an important factor.
Adjectives mainly describe nouns. So, knowing adjectives is also useful to learn English.
Prepositions are also widely used in English. Knowing prepositions can be helpful to start learning English.
Conjunctions are used to connect two or more than two sentences. That's why it is important to learn conjunctions to begin learning English.
These are some basic things that are needed to understand to begin learning English.
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