I finally did it! I ordered 9 tons of USGA grade sand to level my lawn with a DIY leveling drag, a leveling rake, and a brush. I needed to made my Kentucky bluegrass lawn level so that I can use my reel mower to throw down stripes and create a uniform look. Putting sand on your lawn is easy but takes a bit of elbow grease. Any can topdress their lawn with sand if they want too.
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Landzie and Ryan Knorr Lawn Care 36 Inch Wide Level Rake
Gordon’s SpeedZone Lawn Weed Killer
Hi-Yield (32177) Ammonium Sulfate 21-0-0 (4 lbs.)
PetraTools 4 Gallon Battery Powered Backpack Sprayer
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#sandleveling #lawncare #kentuckybluegrass #topdressing #shortcutgrass