How to lower cholesterol. Simple ways to reduce high cholesterol. Do I need to go on a diet to lower my cholesterol? Version 2017.
* Will a low-fat diet help reduce high cholesterol? Which foods are harmful and which are useful for high cholesterol.
Interesting video on "High cholesterol: do cows eat rabbits?" - here:
New scientific data on cholesterol (in Russian):
The norm of cholesterol in the blood of men and women (in Russian):
Detailed article on how to lower cholesterol in the blood (in Russian):
tip # 1: if you have high blood cholesterol, check your medication annotations.
Tip # 2: move around more and get in the sun more often.
Tip # 3: drink about 1 liter of water every day.
Tip # 4: eat foods that contain pectin - apples, citrus fruits, beets, carrots, eggplants, plums, etc. + eat more greens!
Tip # 5: periodically add oat or wheat bran to your diet.
Tip # 6: lowering your cholesterol will help you chelators: polifepan, enterosgel etc.
Tip # 7: exclude from your diet fast food, meat products, sausage, sliced meat, sausages, sausages, etc.
Tip # 8: if you have no contraindications, visit a hirudotherapist and undergo a course of treatment with honey. leeches.
Tip # 9: reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke, and limit your coffee consumption to 1-2 cups a day.
Tip # 10: get examined – take tests, check the kidneys and liver, do an ultrasound of the gallbladder, and visit an endocrinologist.
ATTENTION! This video is educational and informational in nature. There are contraindications.
Before applying the recommendations and tips from the video, be SURE to consult your doctor!
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