In this video, Lisa from Hey Bou is demonstrating how to make a crochet beanie in detail. You can fast forward at any time to get to various steps/stages or just watch along as you make a beanie following the steps with Lisa. Email Lisa with any questions at: [email protected]
A Materials Pack is available from the Hey Bou website at:
Breakdown of Steps in the video. Scroll to the time code in the video for each step:
0.11 Measuring a Beanie.
0.31 What you will need to make a beanie.
1.05 Start with a Magic Circle
2.05 Row 1
6.36 Slip Stitch to Finish the Row
6.55 Row 2
12.32 Row 3
15.41 Row 4
18.54 Row 5
23.40 Measuring the Crown
25.09 Row 6
32.38 Row 7
38.35 Row 8
42.46 Row 9 - No Increases
52.28 Row 10
55.25 Row 11
56.06 Finishing the Beanie
Hey Bou is a social enterprise started by Lisa Redman to source handmade products from artists in Turkey, Cambodia and the Philippines to sell on the Hey Bou website while giving back from sales to education initiatives in those countries. The purpose is to help children get access to education in places where they may not have such an opportunity. Lisa will also be holding classes to teach people how to hand make beanies, scarves and more items to bring people together to create and have fun - to build community.