Learn how to make a fur pom pom for a hat in this super easy step by step tutorial!
Want to make the crochet hat I attached the pom pom to?
👉 The tutorial for it is right here: https://youtu.be/sNYRt_iBm1E
Learn how to make PERFECT yarn pom poms (2 ways!): https://youtu.be/krDdadALQRo
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🤗 ABOUT CRYSTAL MARTIN FROM MARCHING NORTH Hello! My name's Crystal, and I'm the blogger and YouTuber behind MarchingNorth. I share craft tutorials and DIY inspiration to help you make the most of your creative time. My current favorite hobbies are macrame, crochet, machine knitting, and punch needle, but I love any craft that involves yarn, rope, or textiles!
Visit my blog at MARCHINGNORTH.COM for more, and subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any new crafty videos!
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▶︎ ▶︎ ▶︎ https://www.marchingnorth.com/youtube (macrame tutorials)
Visit my blog at MARCHINGNORTH.COM for more! Thanks for watching!
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