Hello! Welcome to our Craft School. Learn how to make a paper rose from extra fine crepe paper. Head over to our site for membership options, patterns and step-out tutorial :) https://liagriffith.com/crepe-paper-juliet-roses/
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In this video we will teach you:
Tools needed to make paper flowers
Materials needed to make paper flowers
How to work with crepe paper
How to work with the grain on crepe paper
How to form petals with crepe paper
How to stretch crepe paper for making flowers
How to make paper stamen
How to make paper leaves
Find patterns and templates at https://liagriffith.com/
Purchase crepe paper at https://shop.liagriffith.com/
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Lia Griffith is a designer, maker and handcrafted lifestyle expert who began blogging to share her unique paper flower designs. Now, along with her team, Lia inspires millions worldwide to reconnect with their creativity through daily DIY projects, tutorials and videos at https://liagriffith.com/
#paperflowers #paperrose #paperflowers #crepepaperflowers