As leatherworkers, we are proud of all the pieces we make, it's part of our identity so every chance we have to show the world our work, we take it! Keys for example are something that is always with us when we go out, so why not flash a leather Key Fob when we take them out?
Also, check our website to learn more and see a step by step of the making this Key Fob:
Check our website to learn more and get free templates:
Follow Maze Leather on Instagram:
0:00 - Intro
0:20 - List of Tools and Materials Needed
1:54 - Pattern Vegetable-Tanned Leather
2:30 - Cutting Leather
5:23 - Sticking Key Ring and Glueing Pattern
5:52 - Scribing
6:27 - Pricking
8:23 - Stitching
12:51 - Finishing Edges
13:27 - Burnishing
15:11 - Final Result and Outro