Oysters, clams, and cockles! By George, it's a new video! I show y'all how I make the most effective freshwater shrimp breeding aquarium I can (without reverse osmosis water). Okay so yes, I'm wearing the same shirt as the last video but that's only because I filmed the last two videos on the same day. I got lost in the editing sauce on this one. This video is based on Neocardina Davidi (dwarf shrimp, cherry shrimp, etc.) which are the easiest freshwater shrimp to keep besides maybe Amano, particularly if you aren't one of the few that are bless with extremely soft water.
I think the next upcoming slew of videos I'm going to shift towards all of my fish chores and just drag y'all along. I got a list as long as the Nile river and I keep getting wrapped in frou frouing in editing.
**Table of contents coming soon**
In this video I use:
I use a 20 gallon long aqueon tank
100watt fluval heater
Marine life crushed coral
Home depot sand
Pawfly sponge filter filter for 50 gallon
Piece of wood
Ball of algae
Foxtail Plant
Aqua-neat light for 20 gallon long
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