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This epic video will show you how to make an amazing forest river with foam, epoxy resin and a few modelling supplies, as well as with a giant oak tree made from wire and putty.
The end result is an incredibly realistic model forest scene.
If you want to know how to achieve stunning results when making a wire tree, look no further. The tree in this video is, I think, about as realistic as it gets. The bark is hyper-real, complete with moss and lichen and cracks.
The rest of the scene consists of a gentle river made using epoxy resin and Mod Podge flowing between mossy rocks and banks. The video shows you in detail how to model water effect, how to model moss and create perfect vegetation.
Materials used:
Acrylic paint
Game Washes by Vallejo
Green Stuff
Epoxy putty / Milliput
Thin wire
Texture and weathering paints by Vallejo
Scenic materials by
Weathering powders
Guagemaster (Noch) 12mm matting
WWS tufts
WWS 1mm static grass
WWS 6mm static grass
Woodland Scenics 2mm static grass
Woodland Scenics Fine Turf
CFS Water Clear Epoxy
Mod Podge Floss and Matte
Scenic Glue
CFS Isopropanol
Extruded polystyrene
Noch Rock Compound
Noch Foliage matting
Dried leaves
Noch Leaves
In this video I use several products that were gifted to me to use in my videos:
16-inch hot wire table from Hot Wire Foam Factory:
Hot Wire Foam Factory also gifted me the Freehand Router seen in this video.
Scenic vegetation/plants by Diorama Presepe (,,
Spray Hobby and Craft Glue and Hobby and Craft Sealer from PlastiKote:
Basing Glue, grass tufts, Layering Spray and static grasses from War World Scenics:
CFS Isopropanol (the resin featured in this video is stuff I bought from them previously):
Many of the materials and tools I use come with safety instructions. Please always read and follow these rather than simply copy what you see me or other people doing.
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