Hello! Thank you for stopping by. Sobolo / zobo drink / bissap or hibiscus tea is a very healthy and refreshing drink. It is tangy and filled with some amazing health benefits. There are so many ways to make this drink.
Making your own drink at home is a great way to control the amount of sugar you add in.
278 g sorrel leaves/ hibiscus leaves
2 tablespoons grains of Selim
1 tablespoon black pepper corns
1/2 tsp Star Anise
2 cinnamon sticks
2 tablespoons cloves
120 grams ginger
1 ripped pineapple
#cookingwithgifty #sobolo #sorrel #zobo #hibiscustea #rosellejuicee #bissap
Make my delicious chips recipe: https://youtu.be/NkeEwFx28FE
My meat pie recipe: https://youtu.be/UmIbCVhgQEg
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