ようこそMark's Kitchenへ!今回はラー油の作り方を紹介致します。以前中華料理やラーメン店を訪ねた際、その店のラー油特別美味しいと思ったことないでしょうか? 今日の動画ではその秘密を公開致します。ラー油好きな方はぜひ秘訣なレシピを見逃さないように!
Welcome to Mark's Kitchen! This time, I will introduce how to make chili oil. Have you ever visited a Chinese restaurant or ramen shop and thought that the shop's chili oil was specially delicious? In today's video, I will reveal the secret.If you like chili oil, don't miss the secret recipe!
▶ Here for this recipe 👇
【Ingredient /食材】
Chili powder 140g (唐辛子)
Onion 1/2 (玉ねぎ)
Coriander 10g (パクチー)
Green onion 15g (ネギ)
Amomum tsao-ko 1(草果)
Chinese cinnamon 1 (桂皮)
Bay leaves 2 (ベイリーブス)
Gumin 1tbsp (クミン)
Star anise 2 (八角)
Sichuan pepper 1tbsp (山椒)
Sesame 2tbsp (ごま)
Cooking oil 540cc (油)