How to make easy 3D needle felted flowers using a sugar flower cutter or cookie cutter
This video accompanies my blog post on how to make 3-dimensional needle felted flowers. These are an upgrade on the flowers featured in my popular blog post on easy felted flowers.
The step-by-step photo tutorial can be found here -
I made these flowers out of the wool waste produced from my mini wool combs.
They are intended to decorate a joyful wreath that I’m adding a decoration to every month with a final reveal in my birthday in December.
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The cutters I used to make the needle felted flowers can be purchased here -
In the video I used a 36g and 3 x 42g needle felting needles. These can be purchased here -
You will also need a felting mat -
00:00 Introduction to needle felting a flower
00:09 Stuffing the sugar flower cutter with merino wool
01:20 beginning to felt the flower
06:48 Pulling the needle felted flower off the foam
06:57 Neatening the edges of the needle felted flower
09:23 Cupping the outer flower to create curve and shape
11:05 Adding a second colour to the flower centre
14:29 Attaching the two needle felted flowers together
15:04 Adding a little extra fibre to the flower centre
15:41 Stabbing the needle felting needle into the base of the flower to encourage the petals to stick up further
16:37 Pushing through any fibres that have come through from the back
17:12 Finished needle felted flowers