Learn how to make authentic greek-style feta at home with these easy steps...
Home cheesemaker, Mary Anne, shows you how to make authentic FETA in your own kitchen using 5 ingredients: goat's milk, bacterial culture, rennet, CaCl and kosher salt. Most of the steps happen on the first day, with some minor steps happening on the 2nd and 3rd days.
You can eat this brined feta right out of the jar and enjoy Greek salads galore for months to come!
Mary Anne also shows you how to make the brine to store the feta, as well as how to make marinated feta by adding extra virgin olive oil and herbs to your jars of feta.
This recipe makes 2.4 pounds or 1 kilo of feta cheeses, and the cheeses are preserved well in their brine for a long time.
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Learn about how to make other cheeses at home (i.e. cheddar, feta, brie, camembert, mascarpone, quick mozzarella, cream cheese, ricotta, labneh, Nabulsi, Belper Knolle, colby, yogurt, as well as crottin-, valencay-, and boursin-style cheeses).
Here’s where you can purchase calcium chloride, rennet (coagulant) and bacterial culture on-line in Canada and the U.S.:
Canada: https://glengarrycheesemaking.on.ca
USA: https://cheesemaking.com
Royalty free songs used:
1) "Whimsical Journey" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1cSW...
2) "What A Lovely View short variation 2" & "What A Lovely View no lead variation 2" https://motionarray.com/royalty-free-...
3) "Midnight Talking" (without voice)