Want to learn how to grow guavas in pots and harvest delicious fruit at home? In this video, Murilo Soares teaches an innovative grafting technique using a PET bottle. This practical and sustainable approach allows you to transform adult guava tree branches into productive seedlings, ready to grow and bear fruit in just two years! Ideal for small spaces, this technique also helps to reuse materials, promoting more conscious cultivation.
With this special technique, Murilo demonstrates how to choose adult guava tree branches and use a rooting agent to speed up the process. From preparing the bottle, through preparing the cutting, to post-planting care, everything is explained clearly. And the best part: with this technique, your guava tree will be able to produce fruit in its second year of life, bringing a tropical touch to your home.
Turn your home into your own private orchard! 🌳 In addition to teaching you how to grow your guava, Murilo shares valuable tips on using the right substrate, the importance of cutting the leaves correctly, and how to ensure that your cuttings take root successfully. Discover how a PET bottle can become the perfect breeding ground for your seedling and learn how to water and care for your plant until it bears fruit. Come and see how easy it is to have fresh, healthy guavas straight from the pot to your table! 💚
*WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT VEGETABLE GARDENS IN POT, EVEN AT HOME OR APARTMENT?* Click on the link below and find out how it is easier than you think:
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*Chapters of this video*
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00:00 Introduction
01:14 How to make seedlings
11:26 The ideal pot
13:19 Fertilization
14:54 How to protect your guava tree
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