Want to learn how to make industry standard music that sounds less artificial than what will be blasting on speakers underground during the upcoming takeover of our robot overlords? Then this genre is for you! Join Andri and the Pagefire crew as they explore the unholy combination of electronics, Industrial, and Metal!
#industrialmetalmusic #industrialrock #pagefiretutorials
Stream the song here, go ahead and download it:
Song is Mixed and Mastered by Theodor Borovski
All background music can be found here:
Andri: literally everything
A-L: script assist and final edits feedback
Metal-Martin: script feedback, camera help, final edits feedback
OG-Martin: fought a bear
UK-Martin: script assist and final edits feedback
Special thanks to LovelyMetalhead, who did the English close captions.
Extra special thanks to the Pagefire Discord Mods Wario, Louieiieiei, and Ibisbill for additional feedback.
00:00 Intro
00:30 What is Industrial Metal?
01:19 History
06:01 What you need
12:31 Music Video - The Mind is a Terrible Organ to Shovel
16:13 Finale
All photographs and videos used in this video, including edited and remixed content, belongs to their rightful owner. No infringement is intended due to sources coming from various websites or google under the 'Creative Common' search.
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Merch: https://pagefiremerch.myspreadshop.co.uk
Discord: https://discord.gg/VjmYHv9Chc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pagefire-234242557217965/
Bandcamp: https://pagefire.bandcamp.com/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/nerdymetalhead202
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pagefireofficial/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Pagefire1