In this video, I show you how to make two different perfume oils and show you how to use a fixative in this type of formula for a long lasting perfume. Plus I have included two free formulas for you this week.
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Link to the 15 ml rectangular roller bottles:
Perfume Recipe #1 (90 grams total this will fill 6 15 ml or ½ ounce roller bottles):
63 grams fractionated coconut oil 70%
4.5 grams perfume fixative (AromaFix) 5%
11.25 grams of Berry Blossom fragrance oil 12.5%
11.25 grams Cashmere fragrance oil 12.5%
(Note: This fragrance oil blend makes up 25% of the formula)
Optional: dried saffron petals
Perfume Formula #2 (90 grams total this will fill up 6 15 ml or ½ ounce roller bottles):
63 grams fractionated coconut oil 70%
4.5 grams perfume fixative (AromaFix) 5%
22.5 grams Sea Salt and Lilly fragrance oil 25%
Optional: dried blue cornflowers
#howtomake #diy #perfume #perfumemaking #diyperfume #makeyourownperfume #perfumes #perfumetutorial