Our Easiest White Modeling Chocolate Recipe:
Today, I’m sharing my recipe for home-made white modeling chocolate. It’s super easy and comes together SUPER quick, but there are some important things about the process and product that I will highlight. Disclaimer: I’m not a modeling chocolate pro. I know just enough to get by for my needs! So what I share today is what I know... so far. 🙂
First off – What is modeling chocolate?
Modeling Chocolate is an edible “clay” made with chocolate and usually light corn syrup. It behaves like putty or clay, and can be molded, sculpted, painted, airbrushed. Because it is so pliable, it can be used in so many dessert-art forms including on cakes (think cake toppers), as showpieces (huge sculpted art!), on cupcakes and cookies. There are so many other applications,
What makes it different from fondant?
Aside from the taste (modeling chocolate literally tastes like the chocolate base, so white chocolate or dark depending on what you use), it behaves slightly differently. It’s better for sculpting in general. It does not dry quite as hard all the way through like fondant can. In higher temperatures, because it is chocolate (fat) based, it can melt a bit easier (but honestly, it stays quite robust). I find that with home-made modeling chocolate which does not use stabilizers, it can be a bit harder to work with if you’ve got warmer body temp. In my YouTube video, I talk about a few things that can help make this a bit easier.
- Light Corn Syrup
- White Chocolate, Candy Melts or Almond Bark (I prefer Almond Bark for this!)
The ratio of the light corn syrup to chocolate is between 1:4 BY WEIGHT, but no more than 1:3 — this is based on tons of experimenting and under various weather conditions. When it’s hot as hell or if you are in AZ in the summer, go with 1:4. For this video, I am using about 50 grams of light corn syrup to 200 grams of almond bark because it is warm in Sacramento right now! In the winter when it is colder, I will likely change up the ratio by adding more corn syrup.
Method – Very simple, but easy to @* up:
1. Melt the candy melts/white chocolate/almond bark over a lightly simmering pot of water (double boiler method).
2. Stir every once in a while to distribute the heat to help the melting process along and prevent the chocolate from burning (no coming back from chocolate burning). It shouldn’t happen as long as your water is at a light simmer.
3. Once the chocolate is almost all melted, take it off the heat, wipe off the bottom so there is risk of condensation getting into the chocolate, causing it to seize.
4. Stir so that the residual heat melts the rest of the chocolate– we don’t want it too hot.
5. Place the bowl on the scale, zero out the scale and put in the appropriate amount of light corn syrup based on how much chocolate you’ve used.
6. USE CAUTION at this step and WATCH THE VIDEO (I am not yelling at you, I just want to STRESS THE IMPORTANCE of this step). Stir about 15 times until the mixtures JUST comes together and thickens up. Then leave it completely alone.
7. Set aside somewhere cool-ish (on your counter away from the sun is fine) and let it rest ideally overnight but I’ve used it as fast as an hour later–so long it has cooled completely!
8. Take out the amount desired, knead and use.
Coordinating Blog Post:
**Check out my resource blog post:
** Read about my cookie and icing recipes:
** Visit my Amazon Shop for curated lists of equipment & other fun things: https://www.amazon.com/shop/borderlandsbakery
** My press-on nails are from Marmalade Nails: https://www.marmaladenails.com/borderlands
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#modelingchocolate #cookiedecorating #cakedecorating