Learn how Goodyear welted Dress Shoes Were Made in the 1930's. Witness all the steps from start to finish.
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00:00 Introduction
Silent movie in color from the 1930's, showing how a pair of Goodyear Welted men's shoes is made. Not much has changed ever since, but this shoe documentary gives a most interesting insight into how a pair of shoes is made.
00:41 Bend
Used for the outsole. A machine stamps the soles to size and ensures they are of uniform thickness. The innersoles must have the same shape and in order to be able to sew them properly, a canvas band is applied in the gemming process.
04:31 The Leather Upper
The shoe uppers are cut from selected calf hides that are much softer than the soles, but they are likewise pressed to a uniform thickness.
10:11 The Shoe Is Assembled
The sole is now tacked to the wooden last. The uppers are now pulled over the last and tacked to it.
20:01 Finishing The Shoe
Hot vibrating irons pound the edge of the sole, giving it a hard, rounded, smooth and polished surface. Subsequently, the soles are polished with wax, and the uppers and the welt are cleaned and polished.
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