Today, we're making sourdough baguettes with tangzhong! These are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with a rich flavor throughout. In the video, we're exploring some of the science of making these baguettes, and also giving 5 practical points for getting the best results. We are also using a little bit of whole wheat in this lean bread dough to boost flavor and make the baguettes better. Watch the video for more!
Note: this video was made with clips from numerous batches.
#baguette #tangzhong #bread #sourdough
Weight (g) %
Total Flour 352.5 100.00%
Hydration 282.5 80.14%
Whole Wheat 30 8.51%
Water 30 8.51%
Starter 15 4.26%
Bread Flour 70 19.86%
Water 140 39.72%
All of the levain
Bread Flour 245 69.50%
Water 105 29.79%
Salt 7 1.99%
Total Dough 642
0:00 Intro
0:28 Opening
1:21 Five Points for Success
7:42 Making the Baguettes