Hi everyone, today I'm gonna back with a vector illustration tutorial in Adobe Illustrator. The video will show you how I create a character illustration with texture from a sketch to a final artwork.
Download the sketch file to follow along: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/0rjikzjsfxw71de89n8hy/AHvT0FZz7pKRDs4vsHtNaSk?rlkey=a8jpywgoikiz47gxwfpuu2do1&st=jg3fbmfm&dl=0
My Process:
00:00 Intro
00:14 Blocking the shape with PenTool, Shape Builder Tool
06:27 Apply gradient color to add depth to the character
08:32 Using scatter brush to add texture
14:35 Using texture image with .tif file
✨ Check out all my freebies here: https://cricketdesign.gumroad.com/
✍ My Vector Brush: https://gumroad.com/l/cEREs
🎨 Skillshare Class: https://skl.sh/3khEN5E (new member will get 1 month of Premium Membership)
#vectorillustration #illustrationtutorial #adobeillustrator
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