Get an extended 30 day free trial for Opus! Use the coupon code POWERWORDSPILL at checkout. SPOILERS FOR GONE GIRL I love mysteries! Especially in D&D and TTRPGs. I love going around collecting clues, and trying to piece things together. Running mystery adventures can sometimes be difficult, but I find that laying out clues in a big clue map really helps. I can see how many clues there are, and all the possible paths my players could take. I've watched a lot of videos and read a lot of articles on running mysteries, but I couldn't find anyone that mentioned making a clue map. So I decided to make a step by step formula for how to make a mystery adventure, which includes making a clue map. So hopefully anyone can follow these steps and end up with a fun adventure to run for their group! If you want a couple one shots, my persuasion mini game, modular magic items, and a bunch of other stuff, check out my Patreon! What I watched and read while writing this video (sources): 00:00 oh no, a murder! 01:54 all the steps 02:27 step 1 03:20 step 1a 04:08 step 2 04:39 step 2a 10:34 step 3 17:51 step 4