►► Get the 5 part framework to professional live worship recordings → https://www.produceperform.com/the-5-part-framework-to-professional-worship-recordings
I like to mix songs that are recorded in weird places. Let me show you...
Link to Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbmKR4afzjA
Look up Ben Ottolini on all channels! He's so good!
Plugins Used: *affiliate links
SSL Channel: https://waves.alzt.net/kOO1VL
API 2500: https://waves.alzt.net/qz400Y
1176 Compressor: https://waves.alzt.net/POyAAe
SSL Bus Compressor: https://waves.alzt.net/LKX5oa
Pultec EQ: https://waves.alzt.net/xLkmRO
Low Control: https://www.blacksaltaudio.com/low-control/?utm_source=ProducePerform
BSA Clipper: https://blacksaltaudio.com/clipper/?utm_source=ProducePerform
Favorite Plugin Bundle: Waves Ultimate
#worshipmix #musicproduction #mixing