Evy Poumpouras is a Former Secret Service Agent, Host on Bravo TV's Spy Games, and Author of Becoming Bulletproof. When someone casually mentions the necessity for preparing your mind and body to take a bullet you know it’s gonna be a good episode. Evy takes Jen through her journey training for and getting into the secret service, what it was like and the mindset needed to succeed, and finally, working as security detail to former and, at times, sitting Presidents. Navigating her time after that career she expands on the knowledge from that path and how it has applied to every other facet of her life. With someone as trained for intense interrogation as Evy maybe Jen didn’t get some of the juicier details, but a look into peak human conditioning, secret service, and how to turn that training into a success for life after is more than enough to fill anyone’s interest. Don’t worry, no kevlar necessary in listening to this episode.
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Evy's Website - https://www.evypoumpouras.com/
Evy's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/evypoumpouras
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