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Welcome to this week's watercolour tutorial! Today I'm painting for you this wonderfully atmospheric sea and sky painting. I'll be going back to basics with this simple and (hopefully!) enjoyable tutorial, which will demonstrate an easy way to get some great effects in your watercolour landscape paintings.
Equipment list: today I'm using a piece of Arches 'Rough' grain watercolour paper, 100% cotton, weight 140lb, size 9 inch x 12 inch / 23cm x 31cm. My paints are: Alizarin Crimson Hue, Ultramarine Blue, Payne's Grey, Vandyke Brown, and a little White Gouache. All are Winsor & Newton brand paints. My brushes are a large Daler Rowney Aquafine 'Skyflow' 2 inch flat wash brush; an Escoda Ultimo synthetic mop brush size 10; a Pro Arte Series 60 'Masterstrokes' synthetic miniature brush size 3/0, and a Matthew Palmer Tree & Texture brush size Large. I also use a small palette knife for scraping detail from the Jackson's Art Studio Essentials range.
Hope you enjoyed the video, folks! Any thoughts or questions, please pop them in the comments below, and happy painting all!