How to paint a Vintage Ghost! Real-Time Painting Tutorial | Absolute Beginners!
Paint along with me as we paint a cute ghost!
(Option to just paint daisy field)
No painting experience needed!
No background music so you can listen to what you like!
Not sped up so that you can paint along side me!
0:00 Intro
3:22 Sky
13:10 Foreground
26:28 Palette Knife
40:03 Flowers
1:00:54 Ghost
11 x 14 Canvas (any size works)
Paper Towels
Cup of Water
1" Flat
Size 6 Filbert
Palette Knife
Acrylic Paint Colors:
Unbleached Titanium White
Titanium White
Naples Yellow
Yellow Oxide
Burnt Sienna
Raw Umber
Hookers Green
Cerulean Blue
Cadmium Yellow Deep
Mars Black
Paints I use: Liquitex Basics
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