Learn how to paint realistic clouds in watercolor the quick and easy way - wet on wet, with Deb Watson's best cloud lesson. It's scary to paint clouds wet on wet but with thirty minutes practice, you'll be well on your way to watercolor mastery. Access the full tutorial at: https://watsonwatercolor.com/clouds-better-watercolor-clouds/ COLORS: Cobalt Blue Quinacridone Red Aureolin Yellow BRUSHES: 1 1/2" Hake wash brush 3/4" oval wash brush by Silver Black Velvet size 6 round synthetic sable --------------------------------- *ABOUT DEB WATSON* --------------------- I'm a well known artist and love to teach. My parents discouraged art as a waste, so I became a nurse, but kept painting. Eventually my art began selling and winning awards and I finally became a full time artist late in life. view my art www.debwatsonart.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/debwatsonart/ Happy Painting! Deb Watson