Learn how to paint duck decoys in just a few simple steps. Duck decoys get bumped around a lot as you carry them to and from your hunting spot.
Every few years we recommend putting a fresh paint on your duck decoys. This is because it is important to have brightly painted decoys to help catch the attention of ducks flying near your spread.
We are going to make this SUPER easy for you to do by following our directions step by step with no step missed.
How to Paint Duck Decoys:
Supplies needed
o Earth brown flat non-reflective spray paint
o Khaki flat non-reflective spray paint
o Black flat non-reflective spray paint
o Yellow spray paint
o Green spray paint
o White flat oil based paint
o Small paint brush
o Painters tape/masking tape
o Box cutter/knife
o Disposable/plastic gloves (optional)
o 1 plastic sandwich bag
o ¼ inch masking tape
o ½ inch masking tape
• WARNING: Do this in an open area as the paint fumes can be dangerous!
• Estimated time: 15 minutes per decoy plus 2-3 hours of drying time.
Step 1: Clean and dry the decoys.
Step 2: Apply ¼ inch masking tape covering the white tail feather area, white side feather area and white ring around the decoy neck.
Steps 3-13: Visit and print the complete step-by-set instructions for free.
With these steps you will learn everything on how to paint duck decoys.