How to paint in watercolors: Clouds, sun shine and an old house
Watercolor painting demonstration using Danial Smith watercolors, on 12"x9" Arche 100% cotton paper 140lb rough
My Palette Colors
Row 1 (Left to Right)
1. Lemon yellow
2. Aureolin yellow
3. Quinacridone gold
4. Ocher yellow
5. Raw umber
6. Pyrrole red
7. Light red
8. Burnt sienna
9. Burnt umber
10. Cerulean blue
11. Cobalt blue
12. Ultramarine blue
Row 2 (Left to Right)
1. Sap green
2. Green gold
3. Viridian green
4. Alizarin crimson
5. Teal Blue
6. Phthalo blue
Row 3 (Left to Right)
1. Neutral tint
2. Sepia
3. Indigo
4. Lavender
5. Rose madder
6. Violet