Would you like to further your oil painting skills? Become a Member of Oil Painting at Home, my online learning platform. Each month I upload a full painting demonstration where you will learn how to do the painting from start to finish. You will see every color mixture and have everything explained to you so you can create your own painting. I also give in-depth technical and theoretical knowledge that intermediate artists will find very helpful. Think of it like my YouTube videos but with way more information. You will also get:
-Access to all past Monthly Demos, Learn a variety of subjects and techniques
-High res downloads of reference photos, plein air studies, studio sketches and Jason’s monthly painting
-Attend the live Q/A and Critique Sessions to get personalized feedback and advice.
-Weekly Bonus Tips
-No Large Upfront Fee
-Cancel Anytime
Go to https://jasontako.podia.com/oil-painting-at-home-membership to join today!
I also offer live, online painting sessions where you get everything listed above along with participation in the Saturday Live Painting Sessions. In these sessions we paint together as a group. You can ask questions and get feedback on your own painting. All sessions are recorded to watch later at your leisure. Spots open only once a month if there is room. Go to https://jasontako.carrd.co/ to add your name to the Priority List and be notified when a space becomes available.
Become a Member, enter a drawing to win a plein air sketch! Support my videos on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jasontako
00:00 Beginning
02:27 Colors on my palette
04:00 Blocking in the trees
10:27 Starting with abstraction
10:53 How to paint loose
14:11 Painting the foreground grasses
19:01 Painting tree foliage
20:55 Gentle oil paint application to suggest tree foliage
26:29 A trick to give your trees more dimension
27:40 Neutralizing Permanent Green for correct tree color
36:43 Adding additional details and texture to the trees
42:42 Painting the dead tree
Watch nationally renowned western, wildlife and historical Native American artist Jason Tako show how to paint tree foliage in full sunlight with a loose style.
To see the materials Jason uses, visit the resource page on his blog: https://mysketchjournal.com/resources.
Jason Tako is considered to be one of the foremost western, wildlife and historical Native American Artists. His work has been featured in Plein Air Magazine and Western Art Collector Magazine. He has won numerous national awards for his work from many organizations including Oil Painters of America, Plein Air Easton, Western Art Collector, Plein Air Magazine, the Society of Animal Artists. His work is included in prestigious collections all across the United States. He is also the Featured Artist for the 2020 Southeastern Wildlife Expo. His work can be seen at https://www.JasonTako.com
and he writes for his drawing blog https://mysketchjournal.com