I’m thrilled to bring you my new 8-Part video series on “How To Plan & Write A Series”. In this first video, I’ll be giving an overview of the series, briefly discussing why series are so important for book sales, and then we’ll dive into our first topic: The Different Types of Series.
Be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications in order to see the rest of the videos in this series!
Today’s Blog Post on the Different Types of Series: https://heartbreathings.com/the-different-types-of-series-how-to-plan-write-a-series-1
🖤 Get access to my entire FREE Resource Library, including my “How To Plot Your Novel” workbook and first access to the upcoming “How To Plan & Write A Series” workbook when you sign up for my mailing list here: https://heartbreathings.com/newsletter/
Watch my older videos on Elements of A Bestselling Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg6zjsQP4PwcpMEj3Uo2b1sPFWrcule9W
I got the term “Dynamic” series from Kristen Kieffer’s blog post here: https://www.well-storied.com/blog/structure-book-series
Find links to my book series here: https://sarracannon.com/books-2/
🖤Visit me on Etsy to see my custom 90-Day planner, the HB90 Method. The Q3 Planners are up now. Also, my 2020 Goals Planner is now discounted!
🖤Publish and Thrive will reopen soon for enrollment in August’s course. Sign up here for more news: http://bit.ly/publishandthrive
🖤Want to help support me as an author? Grab my new release, The Witch’s Key, now!
🖤Join me LIVE Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4PM Eastern time each week on my second channel as I read my first novel, “Beautiful Demons”. Every Friday is a live coffee chat Q&A. Join us! https://www.youtube.com/sarracannon 🖤
🖤Buy HB90 Method Stickers and other stickers for writers at Procrastiplanner, Etc!!! https://www.etsy.com/shop/ProcrastiplannerEtc?section_id=28772740
SUBSCRIBE NOW -- https://www.youtube.com/heartbreathings
Want to send me some Happy Mail?! I now have a PO Box!
Sarra Cannon
3642 Savannah Hwy
Suite 116, # 234
Johns Island, SC 29455
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INSTAGRAM -- https://www.instagram.com/heartbreathingsblog
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Heart Breathings - Episode 183
About Me: My name is Sarra Cannon, and I've been indie publishing since 2010. In that time, I have published 26 books and sold well over half a million copies.
I've made some mistakes along the way, but I've also learned some valuable lessons that I think will help you reach your goals. I can't wait to help you learn to make money writing what you love.
MY BOOKS -- http://www.sarracannon.com
THREE FREE BOOKS -- http://sarracannon.com/book/beautiful-demons-box-set/
My Author \ Vlog Channel — https://www.youtube.com/sarracannon