This video is your ultimate resource for EVERY NOTE on the recorder, both soprano and alto! I give you the info you need for how to play and read each chromatic note.
Fingering code I use:
0 = thumb closed
1 = L index finger closed
2 = L middle finger closed
3 = L ring finger closed
4 = R index finger closed
5 = R middle finger closed
6 = R ring finger closed
7 = R pinky finger closed
8 = hole in the bottom of the recorder closed
- = hole half closed
Skip ahead if you want to find a specific note... here we go...
First octave
02:55 C
03:00 C#/Db
03:11 D
03:17 D#/Eb
03:24 E
03:30 F
03:35 F#/Gb
03:41 G
03:45 G#/Ab
03:51 A
03:56 A#/Bb
04:03 B
Second octave
04:08 C
04:13 C#/Db
04:21 D
04:26 D#/Eb
Edit: YES I COPY PASTED THE WRONG TEXT FOR D#/Eb! Ohhh, this was long video to edit! The fingers are correct, and the fingering text should read: 23456
04:34 E
04:43 F
04:48 F#/Gb
04:55 G
04:59 G#/Ab
05:05 A
05:10 A#/Bb
05:20 B
Third octave
05:24 C
05:31 C#/Db
05:45 D
05:49 D#/Eb
06:00 E
06:04 F
06:08 F#/Gb
06:11 G
//// ALTO
First octave
07:02 F
07:10 F#/Gb
07:16 G
07:21 G#/Ab
07:27 A
07:31 A#/Bb
07:36 B
07:42 C
07:46 C#/Db
07:51 D
07:56 D#/Eb
08:01 E
Second octave
08:06 F
08:10 F#/Gb
08:16 G
08:22 G#/Ab
08:29 A
08:37 A#/Bb
08:43 B
08:47 C
08:52 C#/Db
08:59 D
09:03 D#/Eb
09:15 E
Third octave
09:21 F
09:26 F#/Gb
09:37 G
09:43 G#/Ab
09:56 A
09:59 A#/Bb
10:04 B
10:07 C
In this video I play on a 442 alto by Yoav Ran and a 442 soprano by Mollenhauer.
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