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How to Play War of the Ring in 28 Minutes

RTFM 285,379 5 years ago
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Learn how to play War of the Ring in just 28 minutes (there's a bit of silliness at the front and back) Intro - 0:00 Set up - 2:40 Basics/Phases of play - 4:56 Action Resolution - 5:46 Palantir action - 6:34 Army action - 7:12 Muster action - 7:38 Character action - 9:25 Other actions - 11:30 Elven rings - 12:17 Politics - 13:09 Movement - 15:05 Battle - 17:04 Hunt for the Ring - 23:16 Doom Track - 28:12 Outro - 30:01 Big thanks to The Brothers Murph for helping out! You should absolutely check out their channel and send them some love. They put out great videos all the time and are just the best. To support RTFM, consider pledging at Want to buy this game? Get it here and it'll kick back a few bucks to me (or go to your friendly local game store, that's cool too) Corrections: When retreating into a siege, excess army units are placed in your reinforcements instead of being left on the field. (Thanks to Sean McConnell for spotting that one) To be clear, Mt. Gundabad and Dol Guldur are Sauron strongholds, so you can also recruit Nazgul there. Another just-in-case clarification: when gaining hunt re-rolls based on the Fellowship being in a region with enemies/shadow strongholds/nazgul, these still don't stack, meaning that three re-rolls gained can let you re-roll up to three dice, but not one die three times. (Thanks to RealZelyet for pointing this out) Not really a rules clarification, but I say that there are shadow cards that are worse if Gollum is the guide, when in reality those cards are mostly just different if not better. The real danger in Gollum leading you is that there's no one else to take the hits. Twitter: Instagram: Personal Twitter:
