How to prepare for a bass tournament - planning, lure, rod & reel prep
Follow along as KVD shares how to prepare and what to think about for different variables headed into a bass fishing tournament. It's all about the weather, the water, scouting and adapting quickly. Throwing in some #powerfishing and ability to change tactics if it's just not working out on tournament day(s). Exclusive behind the scenes footage from Redcrest 2024. @MajorLeagueFishing summer 2024 tournament as Kevin VanDam was fishing his final qualifying tournaments.
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#VanDamOutdoors #theVanDamExperience #VanDamExperience
More KVD:
"The right way to keep catching fish in warm and hot water in the summer"
This whole video revolves around :
1. fishing tournaments
2. professional bass fishing
3. pro tourney
4. how to fish a tournaments
5. how to fish tourney
6. how to bass fish tournament
7. summer big bass
8. how to practice fishing
9. win tournaments
10. finesse fishing
11. kevin vandam
12. strike king
13. lews kvd