Learn the 6 steps for producing a Radiohead style Indie Rock song.
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I believe producing indie rock is one of the best ways to grow your skills as a producer.
This is especially the case if you're already a guitarist, given the guitar driven nature of the genre.
The components of Indie Rock are small in number and very clear. If you understand how an Indie Rock song is constructed, you will then have a baseline template you can apply to virtually any other genres you might want to venture into.
The magic of indie rock is in its simplicity. You don't need to crank out wild blues guitar licks, or do some crazy jazz modulations. Rather, you just need to develop and master a small set of skills (which I will teach you to do in this video).
Today, as the newest addition to the "How to Produce an Indie Song" series, we're taking a look at the 6 steps to producing a Radiohead-style indie rock song. Enjoy!
00:00 Intro: How to Produce Indie Rock like Radiohead
01:20 Step 1: A Bell-Like Electric Guitar Tone
04:08 Step 2: A Full-Bodied Bass Sound
06:13 Step 3: Vintage Drums
10:43 Step 4: A Warm, Delicate Vocal
18:59 Step 5: Double Tracked Acoustic Guitars
21:17 Step 6: Add Some Ear-Candy
25:05 Vocal EQ & Compression Guide (GIFT)
25:48 The Final Result (No Surprises by Radiohead - remake)