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自立支援讓長者脫離束帶自由|How to put "care" back into the long-term care industry | 林金立 Chin-Li Lin | TEDxTaipei

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你想過怎樣的老人生活?睡到自然醒?醒了之後呢?你可能想做你年輕想做卻沒做的事,但你慢慢走不動了。 林金立在老化嚴重的雲林從事長照22年,照顧上萬老人,他奇怪為什麼台灣引進一套日本先進設備,卻沒有像日本一樣成功? 他到日本受訓,體會包尿布、體會被約束帶綑綁,痛苦的體驗讓他決定燒掉使用了六十年的約束帶。照顧者們開會的時候,不再討論怎麼約束,而是怎麼去照顧。他們發現,其實只要做好基本的水、飲食、排便、運動,九十六歲的老先生,骨折了還是可以再復原、健步如飛!「照顧品質是:你願不願意你媽媽到這個機構?」 ----- Chin-Li Lin has been involved in the assisted living industry for the past 22 years. He has seen many cases where elderly patients are tied down to wheelchairs or beds due to their own "safety reasons". Lin believes physically confining seniors to a bed or wheelchair only worsens their condition. In this poignant talk, Lin calls for a massive reform towards "care without restraints", a system that helps incapacitated seniors live independently through good diet, frequent rehydration and exercise. With an improved quality of life, seniors can enjoy their later years with dignity and without suffering. 自立支援學院執行長。22年前創辦雲林縣老人福利保護協會,從母親的餐飲店捐助便當送餐給獨居老人開始,投入照顧革新的路。5年前,為了改變照顧界習以為常的約束、臥床與尿布的作法,從日本學習「自立支援照顧」的理論,改造在雲林有60年歷史的同仁仁愛之家。 現在,同仁仁愛之家從每年離職率達3成的「乞丐寮」,成為一間長輩沒有約束、年輕人願意投入的服務場域,還帶動台灣超過100家照顧機構投入變革,重新省思照顧的內涵與價值,更促使政府將「自立支援」納入照顧政策中。當長者笑容變多、能力提升,照顧工作就變得有價值,家屬也因此壓力減輕,這個讓照顧關係中的所有人都受益的照顧方式,正在台灣捲起一股照顧革命的風潮。 ----- As the founder and the chief executive of Yunlin County Welfare Protection Association for the Elderly, Chin-Li Lin believes seniors who need long-term care should be able to live with dignity and comfort. He is a stanch proponent of self-reliance approach for the elderly, which encourages "no restraints, no diapers and not staying bed-bound" for nursing home residents. Lin's pioneering efforts in reforming the senior care system in Taiwan has inspired more than 100 local assisted living institutions to change their approaches to caring for the elderly, and has also prompted the government to list "long-term care" services as one of its key policies. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
